Coda Music Program

10th Anniversary Coda Program Sponsor
Coda Musicians
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Estudiantes de Coda
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In 2015, HYS expanded its reach into the community with the HYS Coda Music Program, an El Sistema-inspired after-school project that targets children from low-income families in Houston’s Near Northside neighborhood. El Sistema began in 1975 in Venezuela and uses music education to engage children in a safe and fun environment, while helping them build self-esteem and a sense of value.
Today, El Sistema-inspired programs have been established in more than 55 countries and throughout the United States.
The Coda Music Program brings graduated, intensive after-school instruction to third, fourth and fifth grade students in select Houston ISD and Fort Bend ISD elementary schools. Current participating schools are Clemente Martinez, Ketelsen, Jefferson, Looscan, and Sherman Elementary Schools in HISD, and E.A. Jones, Hunters Glen, Blue Ridge, and Ridgemont Elementary Schools in FBISD. Using group instruction to build community and social transformation through string ensemble and performance opportunities, the program meets twice a week on each campus after school. Two hours every afternoon are devoted to music instruction, which includes rhythm class, group lessons, music theory, composition and ensemble playing. Coda groups perform for their schools at assemblies, and join together to perform as a large ensemble for community gatherings.
Our Impact on the Community
“[Coda] is amazing, what you are doing for our families.
This opportunity will definitely shape them for the rest of their lives.”
– 2022 Coda Parent
“Coda means to me that I can achieve my goals no matter how old I am.”
– 2019 Coda Student